Dairy Production Efficiency, Optimization & Cost Reduction

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Dairy Industry Efficiency and Cost Optimization

Dairy Process Optimisation

We offer independent advice on dairy production, dairy equipment, dairy processes, dairy factory design and optimisation.
There are always areas where changes / savings can be made but most manufacturers staff are too busy with the day job to spend time on making cost justifications for investments
We have a wealth of experience and expertise (over 40 years dairy manufacturing experience) that we use to quickly establish any quick, low cost, no cost wins.

Where do we start?
We start with an initial discussion with you and your team followed by a tour of the factory and process lines
If we have agreed a brief prior to meeting with you and the team then after introductions on site we would commence the factory tour with your team
The argument against using outside consultants is often that calling in external consultants implies a weakness in management (in terms of new ideas or new technology) has an opposite argument: those companies which only promote through the ranks and don't hire consultants tend to have people have learnt all they know within the same company, people tend to imitate each other, and no new ideas ever enter the company. Consultants are usually called in to do valuable and sometimes awkward projects that your own management are often too busy to focus on but would would be able to complete at the expense of their "other" duties.
Internal staff are likely very busy trying to meet their day to day targets which if not met may affect their career progression.

A major benefit of using consultants is to provide a fresh experienced set of eyes to evaluate all of the options (with the team) Often if may just be a sense check just in case something is missed due to being too close to the rockface.
The staff are very likely correct in all their asertions but what the consultant does is provide additional validity and focus to their ideas and concerns and due to their multi company experience will likely have come across the same issues multiple times allowing a very speedy descision.

The consultants goal is to assist senior management in identifying the scale of the opportunities, estimate costs and payback and prioritize actions. e.g. any low / no investment changes that can have an immediate impact on the bottom line, such as changing the way things are done, eliminating a process step etc.
It is important that we work closely with you and your team to ensure buy in to any actions to be implemented and that you understand that we consider you to be the experts and we are here to help you facilitate your ideas and also identify any areas that may have missed the priority list.

We are with you to allow you to vent your frustrations and to help you put your case for investment / change to senior management / the board of Directors.
We have first hand experience of the politics involved and we can cut through this by quickly identifying bias and self interest over what is the best course of action
We do this through discussion and justification, be it financial or other as we need your buy in and team consensus in order for you to implement
We are often aware of new developments in equipment and processes, ingredients and packaging that perhaps a stand alsone manufacturer may not be aware of.
Are you sure that you are investing in the best option for your company, why not have a second opinion before pressing the button on a major investment just in case it could be that little bit sharper and stay ahead of the competition
We develop trust in your team in why we are there and will confirm that we are not there to out-do them or put them in a bad light but to assist them with a fresh set of eyes.
We often collaborate with the big 5 global consultancies as we have hands on experience which gives us a feel for the business and what its priorities should be and not just looking at the figures but at the overall picture and the long term effects.

Examples of potential savings:

1. Are your milk separators performing optimally, we will show you how to quickly establish if your separators are in need of adjustment - Separator can account for up to 25% of dairy waste so their optimisation daily for efficienct is critical to profictability. If the separator is not optimised then you will be suffering additional losses / costs:

Fat losses to the skimmed milk

Out of Specification Skimmed milk / Skimmed milk Powders

Increased waste water volume

Increased waste water load

Increased cleaning times / increased CIP Waste / load

Increased maintenance costs

Increased energy costs

Simple monitoring and adjustment protocols and additional staff training / focus on results can make a significant impact on efficiency and cost savings / improved quality and consistency

Consider upgrading instruments, positioning turbidity meters in lines to save on milk when starting or finishiong on product instead of timing being dependant upon the operator being there to monitor and switch valves instantly

Teach staff how to view and configure meaningful historical trends e.g. what relationship does the separator power consumption have with separator performance
For more information or to discuss your requirements please contact us.

John Watson
Office: +44 1224 861 507
Mobile: +44 7931 776 499

We are a longstanding member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology.
Member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology IOD


Dairy Consultant Locations

Contact Details

John Watson
Office: +44 1224 861 507
Mobile: +44 7931 776 499

What Our Clients Say

We are a longstanding member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology.


Dairy Consultant Locations


Dairy Factory Design
Project Management
Process Optimisation
Market Research
Sales and Marketing
Dairy PR
Joint Ventures
Acquisitions and Disposals
Partnership Working
Non-executive Directorship
Dairy Science Information
Dairy Factory Benchmarking
Non-executive Directorship
Due Diligence

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