Iran Dairy

DAIRY Market Research

Manufacturing and Distribution of Dairy Products in Iran


Iran Dairy Manufacturers list and milk processing capacity

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Culture and customs

Iran Dairy Market Research

For assistance with Dairy Market Research in Iran then please contact us.
Looking to invest in the Iran Dairy Sector? then please contact us.

The Iranian or Persian culture is a very close family oriented culture.

Famlies bring up their children in a sometimes strict Islamic culture which requires them to be pious, respectful and also secretive.

The Iranian people are a very friendly people and are surprisingly, probably the most westernised of the large Middle Eastern Countries.

An Iranian person is far more likely to strike up a conversation with you (a stranger) and invite you into their home than his counterpart in the West would.

A particular strength of the Persian people is the family unit. In the west when children reach 21 or finish at University they are expected to stand on their own two feet immediately, especially if a marriage has taken place, whereas the Iranian engagement and marriage system ensures that the children spend time during their engagement period with both sets of parents providing their continued support through this important period.

Respect for elders is not something that is prominent in the West but it is very much so in Iran.


The general Iranian Infastructure of roads and communication and distributions routes is well advanced compared to some neighbouring countries. There are National and International distributers for chilled, ambient and frozen distribution with good reporting and stock control systems. Driving in Iran is probably the single most dangerous thing about the country. There is a vehicle testing system but it is not strict enough. Drivers sometimes pay others to stand in for them for the driving test. Insurance is mandatory and accidents are frequent due to por driving, unsafe road traffic systems. At a roundabout it is the first there or the biggest vehicle that has the right of way. Traffic lights are good with time displays on most but still too often lights are ignored. Traffic flows ensure that U turns are the norm and traffic wishing to go in the opposite direction have to turn off into the fast lane and slow down.

The Status of Manufacturing

Manufacturing quality is rapidly improving with a well established Ministry of Health and ministry of Standards controlling standards. Product licencing and manufacturing and quality systems approvals are mandatory with a system that does work better than other countries in the region. The quality of some dairy products is questionable but as manufacturers get fewer and volume manufacture increases then through necessity standards are improving and the government and ministries are working hard and conscientiously in this area.

Management Style

Management style tends to be very authoritarian / autocratic at the top with owners of businesses undergoing any formal leadership / management training

The management style discourages employees from using their abilities to the full as the style encourages a culture of blame.

We know that in a culture of blame things "do not get done" for fear of blame if it goes wrong.

Generally meetings do not commence on time so it is important to emphasise this when arranging a meeting.

For Iran Dairy Products market information please contact us.

John Watson
Office: +44 1224 861 507
Mobile: +44 7931 776 499

We are a longstanding member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology.
Member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology IOD


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