Physical Properties of Milk

Exploring the Physical and Chemical Properties of Milk for Manufacturing and Milk Faults

Milk is a versatile and essential ingredient used in various food and beverage manufacturing processes. Its unique physical and chemical properties make it a valuable component in the production of dairy products. However, like any natural product, milk can also exhibit faults that affect its quality. Understanding the properties of milk and the tests conducted to detect faults is crucial for ensuring the production of safe and high-quality dairy products. Let's delve into the intricacies of milk's properties and the associated tests.
• Color and Appearance: Fresh milk generally has a white or slightly yellowish color, although variations can occur depending on factors such as breed, diet, and processing. The appearance should be uniform and free from any sediment or foreign matter.
• Texture and Consistency: Milk is a colloidal suspension, comprising water, fat globules, proteins, lactose, and other components. It exhibits a smooth, liquid texture with a certain degree of viscosity.
Chemical Properties of Milk:

• Fat Content: Milk fat gives richness and flavor to dairy products. The fat content varies depending on the animal species, breed, and stage of lactation. Milk fat is measured as a percentage of the total milk volume.
• Protein Content: Proteins are crucial for the structure and functionality of dairy products. The major proteins in milk are casein and whey proteins, which contribute to characteristics such as coagulation, emulsification, and foaming.
• Lactose Content: Lactose, the primary carbohydrate in milk, provides a natural sweetness. Lactose intolerance occurs when the body lacks the enzyme required to digest lactose, leading to digestive issues.
• Mineral Content: Milk contains essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, which are vital for bone health and various metabolic processes.
Milk Faults and Tests:

• Microbiological Testing: Milk is susceptible to microbial contamination, which can lead to spoilage and the potential for harmful pathogens. Microbiological tests, including Total Plate Count (TPC) and detection of specific pathogens, are conducted to ensure product safety.
• Fat Content Determination: The fat content of milk can be determined through various methods, such as Gerber method or infrared analysis. Accurate measurement of fat content is crucial for standardizing recipes and maintaining product consistency.
• Protein Analysis: The total protein content in milk is determined through methods like Kjeldahl or Dumas analysis. Accurate protein measurement aids in adjusting formulation and assessing nutritional value.
• Sensory Evaluation: Sensory tests involving trained panelists are performed to assess milk's taste, odor, appearance, and texture. This evaluation helps identify any off-flavors, rancidity, or other sensory defects.
• Cryoscopic Testing: Cryoscopy measures the freezing point depression of milk to assess its authenticity and detect adulteration with water or other substances.
• Antibiotic Residue Testing: Milk is tested for the presence of antibiotics, as their presence may indicate contamination and potential health risks.

Manufacturers rely on these tests to ensure milk quality, detect faults, and maintain product consistency. Regular monitoring of physical, chemical, and microbiological properties throughout the production process helps prevent defects, ensure food safety, and deliver high-quality dairy products to consumers. Understanding the physical and chemical properties of milk, along with the associated tests, empowers dairy industry professionals to produce safe and nutritious products that meet consumer expectations. By upholding quality standards, the industry continues to provide an array of delicious and wholesome dairy products.
Note: It's important to consult regulatory guidelines and local regulations for specific testing requirements and standards applicable to each region.
Milk Adulteration and Testing: Ensuring Purity and Authenticity
Milk, being a valuable commodity, is unfortunately prone to adulteration, where unauthorized substances are added to increase quantity or mask quality issues. Adulterants not only compromise the nutritional value and quality of milk but also pose health risks to consumers. Rigorous testing protocols are employed to detect adulteration and ensure the purity and authenticity of milk. Let's explore some common forms of milk adulteration and the tests used for detection.
Common Forms of Milk Adulteration:

1. Water Dilution: Addition of water to milk increases volume and reduces cost for unscrupulous suppliers. This dilution lowers the nutritional content and alters the taste and consistency of milk.
2. Addition of Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP): Skimmed milk powder, obtained by removing fat from milk, is sometimes added to increase the milk's protein content artificially. This deceptive practice masks the actual quality and dilutes the natural composition of milk.
3. Contamination with Chemicals: Unethical practices involve adding chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, formalin, detergents, or urea to milk to enhance preservation, mask spoilage, or manipulate the tests for quality assessment. These substances pose serious health hazards when consumed.
4. Adulteration with Other Animal Milk: Milk from other animal sources, such as buffalo, goat, or sheep, may be mixed with cow's milk without proper declaration. This adulteration affects the composition, taste, and nutritional properties of milk.

Tests for Detecting Milk Adulteration:

1. Fat Content Determination: Adulteration with water or skimmed milk powder can be detected by measuring the fat content using methods like the Gerber method or infrared analysis. Deviations from the expected fat content may indicate adulteration.
2. Protein Analysis: Adulteration with non-milk proteins can be identified through protein analysis techniques such as electrophoresis or immunoassays. The presence of proteins not naturally found in milk signifies adulteration.
3. Lactose Content Examination: Alteration in the natural lactose content of milk may indicate adulteration. Lactose estimation tests, such as the enzymatic method, can help identify deviations from the expected levels.
4. Specific Gravity Testing: Determining the specific gravity of milk helps detect water dilution. Deviations from the standard specific gravity range can indicate adulteration.
5. Residue Analysis: Advanced techniques like chromatography and mass spectrometry are employed to detect the presence of adulterants such as antibiotics, preservatives, or contaminants. These tests ensure milk safety and authenticity.
6. DNA-based Tests: DNA analysis is used to identify the presence of milk from non-declared animal sources. Species-specific DNA markers help differentiate between different types of milk, thus detecting adulteration.

Strict regulatory guidelines and industry standards govern milk quality and safety. Regular surveillance, both at the farm level and during processing, combined with thorough testing, plays a vital role in curbing adulteration practices. Enhanced transparency and traceability across the supply chain contribute to ensuring the authenticity of milk. By conducting comprehensive testing for adulteration, the dairy industry can maintain consumer trust, safeguard public health, and provide genuine, unadulterated milk and dairy products. Stringent quality control measures and continuous vigilance are essential to combat milk adulteration effectively. Remember, consumers can also contribute to detecting and reporting milk adulteration by being aware of quality indicators, checking labels and certifications, and reporting any suspicious products to the relevant authorities. Together, we can promote the production and consumption of safe and pure milk.
Note: It's essential to consult local regulations,
List of some of the possible milk contaminants
While the vast majority of milk producers and farms uphold high standards of quality and safety, there have been cases where contaminants have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced into milk. These contaminants can arise from various sources, including environmental factors, improper handling, or unethical practices. Here are some typical contaminants that may be associated with milk production:
1. Antibiotics: The use of antibiotics in livestock farming is regulated to prevent the presence of antibiotic residues in milk. However, instances of antibiotic contamination can occur if proper withdrawal periods are not followed or if antibiotics not approved for use in dairy animals are administered.
2. Pesticides: Pesticides, including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides, can find their way into milk if the animals consume contaminated feed or graze on land treated with these substances. Pesticide residues in milk are closely monitored to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
3. Heavy Metals: Milk can be exposed to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury through contaminated soil, water, or feed. These metals may enter the milk supply chain, posing potential health risks to consumers.
4. Mycotoxins: Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by molds that can contaminate animal feed. If animals consume feed contaminated with mycotoxins, the toxins can be passed into the milk. Common mycotoxins of concern include aflatoxins, ochratoxins, and zearalenone.
5. Bacterial Contamination: Microbial contaminants can affect milk quality and safety. The presence of pathogens such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Listeria monocytogenes, and Campylobacter can lead to foodborne illnesses if milk is not properly pasteurized or handled.
6. Environmental Contaminants: Milk-producing animals may be exposed to environmental pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, or heavy metals, through contaminated soil, water, or air. These contaminants can accumulate in animal tissues and subsequently be present in milk.
It is important to note that rigorous testing, quality control measures, and adherence to regulatory standards help mitigate the risk of contaminants in milk. Authorities, such as food safety agencies, conduct regular inspections and enforce regulations to ensure the safety and quality of milk for consumers. Consumers can also contribute to their own safety by purchasing milk and dairy products from reputable sources, checking for proper labeling and certifications, and following appropriate storage and handling practices at home.
Remember, the vast majority of milk producers prioritize the health and well-being of consumers, implementing strict protocols to maintain milk quality and safety.

Freezing Point of Milk

The Freezing point depression of Milk is a measure used by dairy manufacturers to ensure that milk has not been adulterated either deliberately or by accident. Milk is usually paid for by the kilo and for dairy products manufacturers it is the solids content (Protein fat, lactose and minerals ) that is of use and water is mostly removed. Cheesemakers are interested in Fat and Protein content but milk powder manufacturers are interested in total solids. Liquid milk manufacturers may standardise for fat and SNF so constituents are also important for the liquid milk market..

The Milk freezing point is used to determine if added water is present in the milk

The freezing point of milk is usually in the range of -0.512° to -0.550° C with an average of about -0.522° C. Correct interpretation of the freezing point of milk requires an understanding of the factors affecting the freezing point depression. A cryoscope is used to freeze a given volume of milk which results in a very accurate and rapid evaluation result

Freezing point variations occur in Milk naturally and depend on the stage of lactation, health, breed and nutrition / feed of the cow.
Typical Milk specification


  • Acid: Added as an acid and also lactose is converted into lactic acid by bacteria.
  • Acid curd: curd formed by the action of bacteria or by adding an acid, e.g. citric acid
  • Albumin: a water-soluble protein, a component of whey.
  • Annatto: orange-red dye used to colour cheese and butter
  • Bacteriophage: a virus that relies on a bacterial host for reproduction.
  • Brine: a solution of salt and water.
  • Casein: The main protein of milk.
  • Colostrum: the first milk secreted after giving birth.
  • Colony: a mass of individual cells
  • Disaccharide: e.g. lactose, a sugar composed of two monosaccharides.
  • Homogenise: to break down the fat globules in whole milk and distribute them evenly so that the cream in the milk does not separate.
  • Hypochlorite: (A bleach) chemical solution used after cleaning utensils to destroy micro-organisms.
  • Lactation: period during which milk is secreted.
  • Lactose: milk-sugar.
  • Lactic acid fermentation: The production of lactic acid from lactose by the action of micro-organisms.
  • Lipolytic: the property of splitting up or hydrolysing fat. Lipases are lipolytic enzymes; lipolytic bacteria are those that break down fat.
  • Mastitis: inflammatory condition of the udder.
  • Mesophiles: micro-organisms that have optimum growth temperatures between 25° and 45°C.
  • Thermophillic bacteria (Thermophiles): sporeforming micro-organisms that have optimum growth t>emperatures between 60° and 70°C.but can also grow less rapidly at 20° and 80°C.
  • Organoleptic: testing the effects of a substance on the senses, especially of taste and smell.
  • HTST Pasteurisation: heating milk to 72°C for 15 seconds and cooling rapidly to less that 7°C.
  • Pathogenic bacteria: bacteria that cause disease or illness.
  • Rennet: enzyme which is used to coagulate milk in cheesemaking.
  • Polysaccharide: e.g. starch, cellulose. A complex carbohydrate of high molecular weight composed of many molecules of monosaccharides.
  • Proteolytic: protein splitting. Proteases are proteolytic enzymes; proteolytic bacteria are those that break down proteins.
  • Psychrotrophs: micro-organisms capable of growth at 5°C or below but their optimum growth temperature may be similar to mesophiles, i.e. 25°-45°C.
  • Starter: bacterial culture comprising selected strains and species of lactic acid bacteria used to produce the required acid and flavour development during the manufacture of fermented dairy products

For more information or to discuss your requirements please contact us.

John Watson
Office: +44 1224 861 507
Mobile: +44 7931 776 499

We are a longstanding member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology.
Member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology IOD


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John Watson
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Mobile: +44 7931 776 499

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We are a longstanding member of the Society of Dairy Technology and have Fellowship of the Institute of Food Science and Technology.


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